Relief in Brandenburg in the Social Democrat camp

The SPD narrowly beat the far-right AfD party. But the search for a coalition is proving complicated.


The German Chancellor’s Party Olaf Scholz narrowly won the elections in the eastern German state of Brandenburg.

Three weeks after the far-right party of AfDhas progressed in two other neighbouring states, and even won the one in Thuringia, the published results give 30.9% of the votes to the SPD and 29.2% to the AfD. The SPD progresses by 4.7% and the AfD 5.7% at the expense of the CDU, the Greens and Die Linke.

Note that the far-left party of Sahra Wagenknechtnewly created, came third in the poll.

The Minister President of the region, Dietmar Woidke savored his narrow victory.

“This is an important victory for me, it is an important victory for my party and it is an important victory for the state of Brandenburg, because one of our main goals at the beginning of our campaign was to ensure stability,” he said on Sunday evening.

A mixed victory for Olaf Scholz

This victory of the SPD brings some respite to Olaf Scholz, who was badly beaten during the elections in Saxony and Thuringia, even if for some analysts it is first and foremost that of Dietmar Woidkewho has also made no secret of his desire to aim for the candidacy for the Chancellery in the federal elections of September 2025.

Despite the difficulties that the three-party government coalition has been facing since the beginning of the year, Olaf Scholz has also expressed his desire to be his party’s candidate again.

He will have a lot to do to convince both his own camp and, above all, German voters.

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