Portugal: end of campaign before vote on Sunday

After the resignation of socialist Prime Minister Antonio Costa over suspicions of corruption, Portugal is called to the polls for early legislative elections.


More than 9 million Portuguese voters are called to the polls this Sunday for early legislative elections after the resignation in November of socialist Prime Minister Antonio Costa, marred by a corruption affair.

The 1.6 million Portuguese living abroad were able to exercise their right to vote by mail.

The center-right given victory

According to the latest poll carried out two days before the election by Consulmark2 (for Euronews and Nascer do SOL), the trend of recent months is confirmed: the Democratic Alliance (AD) should win the elections and the right would then have a majority in Parliament.

The coalition made up of the PSD, the CDS-PP and the PPM (29.8%) is in fact ahead of the PS (27%) with a lead of almost 3 percentage points, the gap between the two main parties having widened. slightly widened compared to the last survey.

The president of the PSD, Luis Montenegro, a 51-year-old lawyer, should therefore take the helm of the next government.

In this latest poll, Chega (far right) remains the third political force with 18%.

The three main candidates held their last meeting this Friday in Lisbon, the capital.

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