Photos: Hamas and Israel exchange more captives for prisoners | Israeli-Palestinian conflict News

Hamas and Israel have released more captives and prisoners in a fragile truce that has lasted for a fifth day as international mediators in Qatar work to extend it.

Israel said on Tuesday that 10 of its citizens and two Thai nationals had been freed by Hamas and returned to Israel, bringing the total number of captives released to 86 out of around 240 people taken to the Gaza Strip after Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7.

Shortly after, Israel released 30 Palestinians from its prisons, bringing the total number of prisoners released to 180.

The list of released Palestinians included the names of 15 children – 12 from Jerusalem and three from the occupied West Bank – and 15 women – five from Jerusalem and 10 from the West Bank.

On Monday evening, Qatar announced an agreement to extend the initial four-day pause by two days, during which further prisoner exchanges will be carried out. The truce should end after a new exchange on Wednesday evening.

However, US and Israeli intelligence chiefs were in Qatar, a key mediator with Hamas, to discuss extending the truce and releasing more people.

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