Occupation incursions into the West Bank and American sanctions on the lions’ den News

The Israeli occupation forces stormed various areas in the West Bank, while the US State Department announced the imposition of sanctions on the “Lions’ Den” group, one of the resistance factions in the Palestinian West Bank.

Late Thursday evening, the occupation stormed Al-Ain camp, west of Nablus in the northern West Bank, and pushed ten military vehicles from the Deir Sharaf checkpoint towards the camp.

Palestinian media reported that resistance fighters confronted the occupation forces with gunfire and explosive devices during their storming of Al-Ain camp. Local platforms also circulated a video clip that they said showed the detonation of a highly explosive explosive device in one of the occupation’s vehicles.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported that a young man was injured by live bullets during confrontations in the town of Qusra, south of Nablus, in the West Bank, with settlers who burned Palestinian property in the town.

Eyewitnesses reported that hundreds of settlers stormed the town from the southern side amid heavy gunfire, under the protection of occupation soldiers, where they attacked citizens’ homes and burned parts of the farms there.

The Israeli occupation forces also stormed the town of Anata, northeast of Jerusalem, and also stormed the city of Al-Bireh and raided The family home of the martyr Muhammad Saleh, who was martyred by occupation bullets last November at the age of 16.


Yesterday, Thursday, the city of Jenin in the West Bank witnessed the funeral of the bodies of the three young men who were martyred by Israeli army bullets during a military operation carried out by the occupation forces in the camp. Thirteen others were also injured by bullets from the occupation forces, and the wounds of some of them were described as serious.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said that the army carried out a military operation in the camp to arrest a wanted man, while the Jenin Brigade announced that its resistance fighters had engaged in violent clashes with the occupation forces and that it had detonated explosive devices against Israeli soldiers and caused direct casualties, forcing the occupation forces to use helicopters.


In another development yesterday, Thursday, the US State Department announced the imposition of sanctions on the “Lions’ Den” group, one of the resistance factions in the West Bank.

The Ministry considered the “Lions’ Den” group responsible for shooting attacks on Israeli cars in Nablus.

The US State Department added that it condemns all acts of violence in the West Bank, regardless of their perpetrators, stressing that it will use available tools to hold them accountable, she said.

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