Mujahideen and crawling on their bellies! | Opinions


The British newspaper The Guardian published an article written by retired British Army Colonel Richard Kemp, in which he said – commenting on the withdrawal of the Israeli Golani Brigade from the battlefield in Gaza -:

“What happened to the forces of the Israeli Elite Brigade – the Golani Brigade and its withdrawal from Gaza after it lost 45 percent of its equipment, and hundreds of its officers and members were killed, in front of a Hamas battalion in the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza – is a great miracle.

It is unreasonable to confront individuals and groups possessing primitive weapons that are incomparable to what the strongest army in the Middle East possesses on land, sea and air, and behind this army stands the strongest military alliance, which is NATO, with the support of forces on the ground from NATO countries.

The Golani Brigade’s exit from the battle and its withdrawal from Gaza, if not escape, then what is? Reports indicate that the brigade’s members and officers are fleeing the battlefield, so what do Hamas fighters have? What is this amazing resilience? Where do their courage and composure come from?

Israeli madness

Israel is in a state of madness and those behind it are in a state of bewilderment, as nothing remains in their stocks and warehouses except nuclear weapons to attack a small group that achieved the most amazing heroism that cannot be measured according to the well-known military encyclopedia.

Israel no longer knows what to do, and America, Europe and their Arab friends are searching for new ways to get rid of Hamas’ predicament. Even if Hamas and Gaza end – (God forbid, and this is from the author of the article) – I raise my hat in salute to such heroes who rejected all temptations and comfortable living in exchange for selling their principles.

Colonel Kemp himself answered his previous questions in the last sentence of what he wrote: “I take my hat off to such heroes who rejected all temptations and comfortable living in exchange for selling out their principles.”

This is the secret, gentlemen from the neighbors of Gaza, and in the Arab world, it is revealed to us by a distant stranger who lived on the battlefields and became knowledgeable about men’s minerals and gems.

This is always a winning sale, gentlemen! Those heroes that the stranger was talking about only sold to God. “Indeed, God has bought from the believers their lives and their possessions so that Paradise will be theirs. They fight in the way of God, so they kill and are killed.” ..”. This is their winning sale and their great win.

These are people who are valued by God, so the price is dearest to them, as Qatada – may God be pleased with him – said when he read the verse.

This is the only verse in the Book of God in which a reference is made to lives before money in the context of exhortation to jihad. Is there a more appropriate and better time than pledging allegiance to God today to support Gaza?!

This is the decisive word – gentlemen – between souls who persist in pleasures and accept humiliations, and between souls who reject humiliations and sacrifice souls, souls, and selves for the sake of God. Consider with me, if you wish, the consequences.

I am a son of Palestine

I will not go far, and I am a son of Palestine. I have never left the depths of my soul or brought it out. Consider the fate of those who preferred comfortable living, red carpets, and hotels over trenches. Here they are today, hiding in the hideouts of their comfortable living, doing nothing in the face of those who are wreaking murder and terror throughout what the Oslo heroes have preserved from Palestine, even if one of them stealthily peeks his head out – from behind the shield of humiliation. Whoever commits it – threatens to be held accountable, then withdraws.

Consider with me the fate of all those who, decades ago, chose the temptations and illusions of reconciliation! They are all drowning in debt, and none of them has the right to sovereignty over their borders, so they can provide a drink of water to Gaza. They flaunt their failures and show off their disappointments, while the world mocks them. They did not succeed in peace, nor in war, nor in education, health, or governance, and even failure became ashamed of them, and did not want to open new records for them, and this is the consolation of those who pledged allegiance to God for themselves, for letting down everyone who was tempted by a comfortable life, as he said. the stranger.

Consider with me the situation of those who today see reconciliation as a shield of protection, but they find no rabbi who does not describe them with the most vile descriptions. In his hateful view, they are like cattle or less.

All of these people – ancient and modern – are the ones about whom the stranger said: They are in “the predicament of Hamas,” and are panting perhaps to find a way out, even if it is crawling on bellies filled with comfortable living. But if only our people knew that those heroes who struggle are the way out and the hope for the nation, and they are the dilemma and nightmare for its enemies. And among those crawling on their bellies and belongings are those who want the Mujahideen to leave Gaza and leave. However, they are definitely the ones who are leaving, and tomorrow is near.

The Mujahideen will not leave, Gaza will not leave, and Palestine will not pledge allegiance to anyone but God! May God have mercy on Abu Al-Tayeb when he said:

And if you leave a people and they are destined… do not separate from them, for they are the departed!

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