Muhammad Hoshiya…a Jerusalemite child who dreamed of fame and achieved martyrdom | Policy

Occupied Jerusalem- On June 14, a Jerusalemite child, Muhammad Hoshiya, was shot by an Israeli sniper while he was returning to a house where his family lived in the Umm al-Sharayet neighborhood in the city of Ramallah. He was seriously injured and was placed in the intensive care unit of the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah until his martyrdom was announced on Saturday.

Speaking to Tel Aviv Tribune Net, Murad Houchiya, the martyr’s father, acknowledges God’s will and destiny, even though Muhammad is his only son, in addition to an 11-year-old daughter.

Muhammad (12 years old) dreamed of becoming a famous player in the world of football, but the Israeli bullets were faster, tore his intestines and left him bleeding, and ambulance crews were prevented from reaching him, so he gained fame through martyrdom.

From the funeral home he is holding in his village of Qatna, west of Jerusalem, the martyr’s father expresses his sympathy for Gaza and says that he has always cried for its children who are killed and burned by occupation bombs.

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