Military expert: What is happening in Jabalia is an epic battle, and the battle to the south is even more painful News

The military and strategic expert, Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, said that the resistance taking place in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip is an epic battle, although the clashes are on its borders, while the battle to the south is more painful and fierce.

Al-Duwairi explained – during his military analysis for Al-Jazeera – that there were heavy losses of lives and Israeli military equipment in the outer shell of Jabalia camp, even though deep inside it there is a police station and health and educational institutions for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

The clashes were concentrated in the areas of “Abu Sharar,” “Abu Sharkh,” “Al-Faluja,” “Sheikh Zayed,” “Barkat Abu Rashid,” and the “Six Martyrs” junction. All of these areas surround Jabalia camp – the largest of the eight refugee camps in the Gaza Strip – and Israeli forces are stationed there. .

Major General Al-Duwairi pointed out that helicopters transport the wounded of the occupation army to Beersheba and Tel Aviv because most of their injuries are fatal, “so they are racing against time to deliver the wounded to the main hospitals.”

He explained that fighting from zero distance indicates that casualties range from moderate to serious or fatal, revealing that more than 50% of casualties are severe and fatal, and that the ratio of casualties between defenders and attackers in this case is “1 to 8.”

Major General Al-Duwairi confirmed that the intense fighting between the resistance and the occupation began today (December 10) after Israeli vehicles entered urban and residential areas.

He reiterated that the occupation had entered several areas in the northern Gaza Strip, but was unable to control them, “which explains the intensity of the clashes there after the end of the temporary truce,” after the Israeli army lost momentum.

Regarding the announcement by Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades – the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), of the destruction of 180 Israeli vehicles since the beginning of this month, Al-Duwairi said that the toll may have reached 204 vehicles, attributing this to the fact that the word may have been recorded before today’s events.

Battles of the south

As for the south, the military expert repeated his prediction that the fighting in Khan Yunis would be more harmful and more painful, even though the area appears to be suitable ground for armored vehicles, but it serves the defenders equally, as it is a wide area.

He pointed out that Khan Yunis is considered the stronghold in the southern region because it is the largest in area, and the elite of other resistance factions are located there, such as the Al-Quds Brigades, the military arm of the “Islamic Jihad Movement.”

Al-Duwairi touched on the Qassam scenes that were broadcast of the battles of Khan Yunis, and said that “the people of Mecca know best about its paths,” referring to the accuracy of monitoring of resistance fighters and the inability of the occupation forces to avoid being targeted by anti-personnel missiles.

He added that the fighters in the ranks of the resistance are from the generation after the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, and most of them are between 18 and 27 years old and have physical fitness, build, and presence of mind.

It is noteworthy that the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the complete or partial destruction of 44 enemy military vehicles on all fronts of the fighting during the last 48 hours, confirming the killing of 40 Israeli soldiers and the death and injury of dozens of others in bombings and clashes during the same period.

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