Martyrs in the West Bank and violent clashes between resistance fighters and the occupation in Tulkarm | News

Violent clashes broke out – early on Sunday – between resistance fighters and occupation forces as they stormed a camp in Tulkarm in the occupied West Bank, while 4 Palestinians were martyred by Israeli army gunfire throughout the West Bank.

Tel Aviv Tribune correspondent Laith Jaar reported that violent clashes broke out shortly after large Israeli forces stormed the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, in the northern West Bank.

The reporter added that forces reinforced with dozens of vehicles were deployed in the camp, noting that the occupation operations are concentrated in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood.

The Tel Aviv Tribune correspondent continued that the explosions have not stopped in Nour Shams camp since the start of the storming, noting that an Israeli drone bombed a site in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood.

Israeli bulldozers also vandalized the entrances to the camp, and the occupation army deployed snipers in high positions and points overlooking the camp.

On the other hand, Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent quoted the “Tulkarm Brigade” as targeting Israeli vehicles and soldiers with explosive devices in the Al-Manshiya neighborhood.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs – Tulkarm Brigade faction threatened the occupation with unexpected surprises in the next few days, calling on its formations in the West Bank to ignite all points of contact.

On the other hand, Tel Aviv Tribune’s correspondent reported that Israeli forces stormed early today the villages of Qaryut and Al-Sawiya in Nablus in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli occupation army also stormed the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya (north of the West Bank), and the Al-Arroub camp and the town of Yatta, south of Hebron (south of the West Bank).

The occupation forces raided several locations in Yatta and confiscated a number of Palestinian citizens’ vehicles.

Martyrs in the West Bank

Early today, it was announced that the young man, Laith Abu Raed, died as a result of his wounds sustained as a result of an Israeli drone bombing in the city of Jenin a few days ago.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced yesterday evening that the citizen Atallah Badha (16 years old) died as a result of being wounded by occupation bullets in the town of Deir Ammar, northwest of Ramallah.

Two other Palestinians were seriously injured during clashes in the town, according to the same source.

Yesterday evening, occupation army forces stormed the town and raided several sites with the aim of arresting those it described as wanted persons, which led to the outbreak of confrontations with Palestinian youths, during which live bullets and gas bombs were fired at citizens.

Yesterday evening, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the martyrdom of Aziz Akhilil (20 years old) after being hit by occupation bullets during confrontations in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

Salim Hajar (25 years old) also died from serious injuries after the occupation army opened fire on him at noon near the village of Deir Al-Ghusoun, north of Tulkarm.

Tel Aviv Tribune correspondent Guevara Al-Badiri said that this young man was shot while he and his brother were near the apartheid wall.

The correspondent added that the number of martyrs in the West Bank since the resistance launched the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle on October 7 last year rose to 291.

It also stated that since that date, the occupation forces have no longer used rubber bullets, but rather directly fire live bullets at Palestinians during the incursions they carry out in the West Bank.

Settlers attack

On the other hand, dozens of “extremist” settlers attacked the Bedouins living on Al-Ma’rajat Road, west of the city of Jericho, east of the occupied West Bank.

Al-Baidar Organization for Defending Bedouin Rights said that dozens of Mevo’ot Jericho settlers stormed Bedouin communities in Al-Ma’rajat 3 times since the morning hours.

The organization added that settlers threw stones at citizens’ homes and terrorized them. The people were forced to remain inside their homes, and expressed their fear of renewed attacks by these settlers.

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