London announces new food safety research center

The establishment will have to develop new varieties of plants resistant to climate change.


Ministers, diplomats and also philanthropists participated in the food security summit in London on Monday, November 20. The event, organized, in addition to Great Britain, by Somalia, the United Arab Emirates and two private foundations, brought together representatives from twenty countries.

Britain estimates that today nearly a billion people regularly do not have enough to eat, while millions face hunger and deprivation.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak used the summit to announce the creation of a new British research center dedicated to developing plant varieties resistant to climate change. “Flood-tolerant rice, disease-resistant wheat and more“will be at the heart of this new establishment, which should bring”better harvest productivity, including in the United Kingdom, and lower agricultural commodity prices“, detailed the head of government.

This summit coincides with the publication of the British development aid strategy. London wants in particular to fight against extreme poverty, against climate change and the collapse of biodiversity.

Before Covid, Great Britain devoted 0.7% of its GDP to development aid. It has fallen to 0.5% but the government does not intend to restore it immediately.

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