“I will not be intimidated,” said the Prime Minister on social networks after having announced that an opening notice of an investigation had been sent to her by the Rome prosecution in the context of the controversial repatriation of the chief of Lybian police, a time arrested in Italy.
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni received An opening notice of an investigation in the context of the controversial repatriation of the Lybian police chief, Osama Almasri Najim, sought by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The announcement was made by the leader of Fratelli d’Italia herself, in a video published on social networks in which she is expressed in these terms: “The prosecutor of Rome, Francesco Lo voi, the same who was at the origin of the failed trial of Matteo Salvini for removal of migrants, has just sent me an opinion of opening an investigation for the crimes of complicity and diversion funds“.
The head of the Italian government then added: “The facts are known. The International Criminal Court, after months of examination, issued an international arrest warrant against the chief of the Judicial Police of Tripoli, Mr. Almasri. Curiously, the court did it when this person was about to enter Italian territory, after having peacefully stayed in three other European states for twelve days“.
For the same case, opinions were also sent to the Keeper of the Seals Carlo Nordioto the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosias well as to the Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano.
Reactions of Italian political leaders
After the announcement of the indictments, the head of Italian diplomacy, Antonio Tajanitook the side of Giorgia Meloni and her government colleagues, qualifying this decision as “Reprisals to the reform of justice”.
The Italian Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto evokes “A new act aimed at poisoning the political, institutional and social climate”.
The government of Giorgia Meloni, on the other hand, was criticized by the opposition, the human rights groups and the International Criminal Court itself to have Libéré Osama Almasri Najim for a procedural defect after he was arrested in Turin on the basis of an ICC arrest warrant.
Angelo Bonelliof the left alliance and the Greens, affirms that “The government has violated the law by referring to him Almasri, a torturer, rapist, murderer and trafficker of notorious human beings, without any consultation with the International Criminal Court, in violation of the status of Rome”.
“For Giorgia Meloni, always and only conspiracy and victimization”writes the president of the 5 -star movement, Giuseppe Conteon social networks. “The recipe for meloni and its associates is always the same: conspiracy and victimization. Do not be distracted: they do it to avoid talking about their mistakes”.