Kosovo wants to have a defense army by 2028

Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced the acquisition of military equipment, and wants to develop a defense army in the next 3 years.


The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurtisays its security forces will increase and plan to become a national army by 2028.

The defense minister further announced that he is working on opening a state-owned munitions factory.

Tensions with its Serbian neighbor have increased following explosions that Kosovo attributes to Belgrade, despite a lack of evidence.

The government, however, claims that this military development is intended solely for defense purposes and that it will only act in coordination with its allies.

The Kosovo government says it will do nothing without an agreement with the United States of America, the largest member of NATO, which is officially opposed to the formation of armed forces in Kosovo.

The number of soldiers has been doubled and the budget tripled for the Kosovo Security Forces, which will become the army by 2028, in accordance with the decision of the Kosovo Assembly. “Now is the time to launch the military industry,” added Albin Kurti.

Kosovo security forces have already acquired armored vehicles and transportation, mortars, drones Bayraktari and anti-tank missiles Javelin. A few weeks ago, they also resumed EULEX Dumoš Airport, near Podujevo, barely ten kilometers from the administrative border with the central part of Serbia.

Armament and ammunition were purchased from NATO member countries, in particular the United States of America, Turkey, Germany, the United Kingdom and Croatia” said Albin Kurti.

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