“It does not mean anything.” Military expert: Occupation videos do not contain the “red triangle” | News

The military and strategic expert, Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, said that the videos of the occupation army in the Gaza Strip – which it began publishing to the media in recent days – do not show the other party in the square – in reference to the resistance fighters – and “they do not mean anything.”

Al-Duwairi explained – during his military analysis for Tel Aviv Tribune – that soldiers are seen shooting in the roads and streets in different areas in the Gaza Strip in recent videos, but the combatant opponent does not appear.

He added, wondering, “Didn’t the Israeli army adopt the red circle?”, referring to the behavior adopted by the occupation army in response to the “inverted red triangle” videos broadcast by the military media of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

He pointed out that the Israeli army films its soldiers shooting from light and medium weapons, stressing that it is not known “who fired them, as the target does not exist,” unlike the videos of the resistance in Gaza.

Al-Duwairi renewed the talk that the occupation videos are not taken into account in the military analysis because they are unilateral shooting, pointing out that he would have said the same thing if the Al-Qassam Brigades had broadcast similar videos.

Earlier today, Wednesday, the spokesman for the occupation army for the Arab media, Avichai Adraee, published two videos on his account on the “X” platform, and said that the army had raided more than 250 targets during the last 24 hours, and claimed to liquidate a cell in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza, that was on its way to launch rocket shells. .

The resistance factions in Gaza – led by Al-Qassam – have continued to document their operations against the forces and vehicles of the occupation army in various combat axes since the start of the ground operation late last October, such as striking forces and tanks with anti-armor and anti-personnel missiles and fortifications, in addition to ambushes. The court.

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