Israeli media: Tel Aviv is on alert and anticipating Hezbollah’s response, and the attack may change the course of the war policy

Israeli media discussed the repercussions of the Israeli attack on the southern suburbs of Beirut, indicating that there is a state of alert in Israel in anticipation of a response from Hezbollah, and that this attack represents a change in the Israeli strategy and may change the course of the war.

In a dramatic development that may change the course of the conflict in the region, Israel launched an unprecedented air attack on the southern suburb of Beirut, the stronghold of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

In the details of the operation, the military affairs correspondent for Kan 11, Itay Blumenthal, reported that Israeli Air Force planes dropped heavy bombs weighing about a ton on the southern suburb.

Blumenthal added that the Israeli army was prepared for this scenario, noting that the army’s statement was issued a few minutes after the attack, which indicates advance planning for the operation.

For his part, Channel 13’s military affairs correspondent, Or Heller, confirmed that the attack was based on accurate intelligence information indicating the presence of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah at the targeted location.

He added that senior officials in Israel confirmed Nasrallah’s presence there, but the question that arises is what is his fate?

Intelligence information

In a remarkable development, the Israeli Ministry of Defense published a photo showing senior military leaders, including Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy, Air Force Commander Amikam Norkin, and Head of the Intelligence Division, Shlomi Binder, in the ministry’s shelter during the operation.

Channel 13 military affairs analyst, Alon Ben David, commented on the photo, saying that the faces of the leaders reflect anxiety and uneasiness.

In an analysis of the operation, Channel 24’s military affairs correspondent, Yanom Shalom Petah, indicated that Israel chose not to risk launching an attack on the fortified shelter, relying heavily on intelligence information.

He warned that if Nasrallah turned out to be alive, Israel would have to explain why its intelligence was inaccurate.

American nightmare

On the political level, Channel 12 political affairs analyst, Dana Weiss, described the event as “very dramatic,” noting that it represents the “worst nightmare” of the American administration 38 days before the elections. This comment highlights the potential international repercussions of the process, especially on Israeli-American relations.

In the wake of the attack, Blumenthal reported that there was a state of alert in Israel in anticipation of a large-scale response from Hezbollah, and he believes that this alert reflects Israel’s awareness of the seriousness of the step it took and the possibility of a significant escalation of the conflict.

In a comprehensive analysis of the situation, Kan 11 political affairs correspondent, Gili Cohen, indicated that Israel had “come a long way” with this attack.

She explained that Israel was refraining from launching strong attacks in the southern suburbs or trying to harm Nasrallah directly, and added that this change in strategy may lead to changing the shape of the entire war.

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