Israeli media: Hebron is solid and inflamed, and the West Bank front is very dangerous | Politics

The Israeli media continued its discussions about the ongoing Israeli military operation in the northern West Bank, and highlighted the outcome of the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip.

Roi Sharon, a military affairs analyst for Channel 11, warned of a significant increase in the use of explosive devices in the West Bank, saying, “Pay attention now to one device after another, and booby-trapped cars.”

He added, warning the Israelis, “Let us pay attention that in recent months the event has been taking place in the northern West Bank, Tulkarm, Jenin, Nablus, and the Jordan Valley, and suddenly in Hebron (southern West Bank), which always comes late.”

Sharon said that the city of Hebron is inflamed and tough and always comes in the second wave, but it becomes a school for everyone. He added, “We see indications that Hamas-affiliated Hebron has entered the game, and this must be taken into account.”

He also warned that the West Bank is a very dangerous front if it starts to ignite.

It is noteworthy that 3 Israeli police officers were killed this morning, Sunday, in an armed attack on a car at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron.

A heated debate between Netanyahu and his defense minister

Netanyahu (right) and Galant (agencies)

On the other hand, former security officials and analysts raised the issue of the Philadelphi Corridor and the stormy debate that took place between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Galant, which Channel 12 said explains why there has been no progress in the negotiations.

Channel 12 political correspondent Yaron Abraham reported excerpts from the discussion and shouting that took place between Netanyahu and Galant, including Netanyahu saying, “I want to bring the decision to keep the army forces in the Philadelphi corridor for approval in the inner cabinet.”

The defense minister responded angrily to Netanyahu, “You are running the negotiations alone and you are capable of making all the decisions. You are capable of executing all the kidnapped soldiers.” He also told him, “In the end, you will receive dictates from Sinwar and you will back down.”

According to Alon Ben David, a military affairs analyst for Channel 13, the security cabinet chose to abandon the Israeli captives in Gaza, continue fighting in Gaza, and not send forces to the north, and “this will drag us into a broad battle in the north.”

For his part, Noam Tibon, the former commander of the Northern Corps, confirmed that Netanyahu is guilty of the attack of October 7, and of everything that happened, and he is now trying to distort the narrative, and he considered that this is part of the corrupt management of the war.

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