Israeli media: Detainees are exposed to greater danger and Hamas is not built on one person News

The discussion in the Israeli media centered on the issue of Israeli detainees and some of their relatives accusing the government of abandoning them, in addition to the fate of this government after the end of the war and the difficulty of eliminating the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), even if its leaders are reached.

Channel 13 quoted Gilad Korngold – whose son is being held by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip – as saying, “I do not hear anything about the kidnappers, and I do not hear why negotiations are not taking place now.” He added, addressing the Israeli authorities: “You must understand and they should understand that the kidnappers are exposed to greater danger.” Previously, we finished in the north and now we are in the south. Where do you think they are? Are they at sea?

Another Israeli, Anibal Albini, whose father is detained by the resistance, said that the issue of the elderly was up for negotiation, “and suddenly one of those who make decisions in the mini-ministerial council or in the government decided to play war games at the expense of my father… No, we will not accept these matters.”

She addressed decision-makers in Israel and the mini-ministerial council, “Isn’t it enough for us to lack responsibility and the great calamities that befell us on October 7, and on top of that, you want them to return to you in coffins? Do you want to stain your hands with the blood of the kidnapped?” and she considered this a lack of responsibility on the part of Israeli officials.

Israeli Channel 12 also quoted Reserve General Orna Pribibai, a former Minister of Economy, as saying that 6 Israeli soldiers were killed, and this is in addition to the 75 who were killed only as a result of what it called the ground maneuver, stressing that the northern front is heating up and the Israeli forces have reached the depths of Gaza, and in return they are speaking in the Knesset. And in the government about allocating funds to the coalition parties..

On the other hand, Israeli media broadcast a heated argument that took place between Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Knesset Member Meir Cohen, where they exchanged accusations and insults. Cohen addressed Smotrich, saying to him: “Do you think you are doing anyone a favor when you left them to be killed and after they occupied all of the south because of you?”

During a special session of the Likud Party yesterday, Minister Dodi Amslam predicted – according to what Channel 13 reported – that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is about to leave, “If the government falls after the elections, I expect that the majority of us will not vote again,” but he suggested that the Likud will return to power through elections after 20 years again.

In the context of talking about the failure of the Netanyahu government regarding what they consider to be the elimination of the Hamas movement, Israeli Channel 12 quoted Ehud Himo as saying that Hamas is not built on one person and there are many of them in the Gaza Strip, claiming that Marwan Issa is the actual chief of staff of Hamas and is more important. From Yahya Al-Sinwar, “who is apparently the one behind the October 7th operation and the one who planned it.”

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