Israeli army admits responsibility for killing 3 prisoners | News


Channel 12 reported that the army informed the families of 3 Israeli prisoners of its responsibility for their deaths on December 14.

The occupation army said in a statement that the three prisoners are Sergeant Ron Sherman, Corporal Nick Bezer, and Israeli Ella Toledano.

An Israeli army investigation stated that the three prisoners were being held in a tunnel in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, and were killed by inhaling gas that spread in the tunnel due to army raids.

The army confirmed to the families of the prisoners that it had no information about their presence inside the tunnel during the attack.

Difficult process

On Saturday evening, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Occupation Army, Herzi Halevi, said that “the army is working to return the kidnapped soldiers by any means, but it will not be able to return them all in military operations.”

Halevi admitted to the families of soldiers held captive by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip that returning the prisoners held in the Strip would be difficult over time.

Regarding the possibility of concluding an agreement to return the prisoners, Israel’s Channel 12 reported that Halevi confirmed that the matter is up to the government’s decision, adding, “We are doing everything we can to achieve this.”

The Israeli channel added that Halevi informed the families of captured soldiers that the army is taking risks in order to obtain intelligence information about the prisoners.

The families of Israeli prisoners held in Gaza have accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of obstructing a deal with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and demonstrators have blocked the road outside Netanyahu’s home in Caesarea.

The families of the prisoners said during a press conference in Tel Aviv yesterday, Saturday, that “Netanyahu is the one who is obstructing and failing to reach a prisoner exchange deal, and that his policy is leading to the killing of the kidnapped, and that he must be removed from power to save them.”

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