Israel-Gaza: does Islamophobia have a role in American foreign policy? | Islamophobia

Marc Lamont Hill speaks with experts on Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

As the war rages in Gaza, the death toll continues to rise and residents face starvation. Despite the heavy civilian toll, the United States continues to express its strong support for Israel.

Criticism has been leveled at Washington’s approach to Palestinian victims. Are there double standards when it comes to Palestine? And why do some in the United States seem to confuse solidarity with the Palestinians and anti-Semitism?

On In the front, Marc Lamont Hill speaks with Sahar Aziz, professor of law and specialist in Middle East legal studies at Rutgers University; and Mitchell Plitnick, president of Rethinking Foreign Policy and co-director of Jewish Voice for Peace, on whether Islamophobia affects U.S. foreign policy.

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