“Islamic Resistance in Iraq” announces striking a target in southern Israel | News


An Iraqi armed faction announced that it launched a drone attack on a target in southern Israel, in light of the escalation and attacks launched by Tel Aviv on Lebanon and Gaza.

The “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” said in a statement early Wednesday morning, “In support of our people in Palestine and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against civilians, we attacked a target near the Jordan Valley in our occupied territories with drones.”

For its part, the Israeli army said that it had detected the launch of a drone that entered Israeli airspace from the east and fell in the Wadi Araba area in southern Israel.

Israeli media reported that firefighting teams are working to extinguish the fire that broke out at the site of the drone’s fall or parts of it in Wadi Araba, without providing statistics on material or human losses.

These media outlets indicated that the Israeli authorities imposed censorship on the incident of the explosion of the drone launched from Iraq.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is a loose military formation, and a general name that includes a number of Iraqi armed factions and groups supported by Iran. It appeared after the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in October 2023, and launched attacks with drones and missiles against military bases that include American forces in Iraq and Syria. It also announced targeting Israel several times during the past months.

Since last April, Israel has confirmed a number of air strikes from the east without pointing the finger at a specific party, saying that it intercepted the drones outside its airspace.

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