International newspapers: Trump’s victory is more disastrous for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict | Politics

International newspapers have highlighted the repercussions of the ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, especially in the health and humanitarian relief sectors, in addition to the ability of the winner of the US elections to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz ruled out the ability of the winner of the upcoming US presidential elections to make progress towards resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The newspaper believes that the victory of former Republican President Donald Trump would be more disastrous in this regard, while not many people expect the victory of his Democratic rival Kamala Harris.

She added that Harris “did not even try to explain how to break the deadlock over the war in Gaza during her debate with Trump, and her talk of a two-state solution does not offer anything new to American foreign policy.”

Bombing UNRWA schools

The Washington Post reported on the killing of two employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) during an Israeli bombardment that targeted a school in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

The report indicated that the school is crowded with families, and tents fill its yard, recalling Israel’s repeated bombing of schools, hospitals and refugee camps since the beginning of the war, which has caused the killing of large numbers of civilians.

The British newspaper The Guardian focused its attention on the impact of Israel preventing aid from entering Gaza through the border with Egypt, citing warnings from relief organizations that the amount of food available may not cover the needs of more than one million people during this month, while perishable food items piled up on the border are spoiling.

The newspaper quoted one of the relief organizations as saying that the amount allowed in represents the minimum to ensure that people do not die immediately from hunger.

Health warnings

The British newspaper, The Telegraph, highlighted a report by the World Health Organization, which concluded that more than 22,000 people injured in the Gaza war will need motor rehabilitation for many years and will suffer permanent disabilities.

The newspaper pointed out that the only limb rehabilitation center in Gaza has been out of service since last December, warning that the current crisis in Gaza is unique, because the health system is almost collapsing.

For its part, the American newspaper Politico highlighted the warnings of health experts that Gaza could become a hotbed for the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

A specialist researcher was quoted as saying that the danger will not only threaten the residents of Gaza, but will certainly reach the region’s hospitals, noting that doctors in Gaza do not have many treatment options, “which is what fuels the concerns of World Health Organization experts.”

Source : American press + Israeli press + British press

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