International newspapers: The tension between Netanyahu and the army is at its highest levels, and these are the goals of his government Policy

International newspapers and news websites highlighted the repercussions of the growing tension between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the occupation army, and the plans drawn up by the far-right coalition to remain in the Gaza Strip.

The American Wall Street Journal quoted retired Israeli General Yisrael Ziv as saying that tensions between the military and security establishment and Netanyahu had reached their highest levels ever.

He continued, “The Israeli army and the security level have a feeling that the purpose of the war has been exhausted and that we have reached the maximum tactical peak that we can achieve.”

He added, “We are close to completing the mission set by the government, and we will reach a point where we engage in a guerrilla war, and that may take years.”

In turn, an analysis in the French newspaper Le Monde concluded that the position of the Netanyahu government draws a fairly clear future perspective, which is that Israel will remain in Gaza, noting that Netanyahu heads a coalition that has only been held together thanks to the participation of extreme right-wing parties.

The Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” believed that Tel Aviv could not win under what it described as a disaster government that would not achieve any achievements.

She pointed out that the goal of the Israeli government is not to achieve anything for the Israeli public, but rather to promote the interests of the coalition parties only, which are exemption from military service, government funding for Haredi Jews, strengthening settlements for the benefit of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and keeping Netanyahu in his position.

In turn, the British newspaper “The Guardian” reported that a group of activists sent a warning letter to the managers of 20 arms manufacturers in Britain, saying that they may face criminal liability for their failure to prevent war crimes in Gaza, if their companies continue to sell military equipment to Israel.

According to the newspaper, the activists considered that the British government’s continued permitting of arms sales to Israel does not exempt them from criminal responsibility.

For its part, the French website “Mediapart” shed light on what it described as the devastating occupation of the West Bank, noting the continuation of settler attacks on the Palestinian population, the widespread arrest campaign, the mistreatment of detainees, and even the restriction of movement.

The website said that since the Israeli extreme right came to power, settler attacks have increased, and after last October 7, their brutality reached a new level, with their impunity.

Source : American press + Israeli press + British press + French press

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