International newspapers: Israel is establishing a permanent occupation of Gaza | Politics

International newspapers and websites wrote about what they considered Israel’s efforts to completely control the Gaza Strip, and its repeated targeting of what it calls safe areas in Gaza, in addition to other topics.

Le Figaro newspaper published an article stating that Israel is establishing a permanent occupation of Gaza, noting that the presence of Israeli forces in the Philadelphi corridor means complete control over the Strip and a long-term occupation.

The article considers that the war in Gaza will enter a new phase after the displacement of the population, the destruction of the infrastructure, and the beginning of the construction of new roads. It added, “It is clear that the foundations for the permanent seizure of Gaza are in place, and what explains this proposal is the fact that the negotiations with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have reached a dead end.”

As for The Guardian, it focused on targeting what Israel calls the humanitarian zone in Gaza again, and noted that the zone has been subjected to numerous attacks and has been repeatedly reduced due to evacuation orders.

She wrote that “the Israeli forces’ approach to fighting Hamas has created confusion among civilians, as the boundaries of the humanitarian zone are constantly changing and their means of communicating are limited in effectiveness due to the disruption of communication networks.”

The Jerusalem Post focused on what it considered to be the unprecedented security challenges facing Israel. Writer Seth Frantzman reviewed some indicators of the accelerating escalation since the beginning of the war on Gaza, concluding that “the threats facing Israel have become more diverse and more complex than before.”

US support for Israel

The Washington Post wrote about US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s statements regarding the combat approach of Israeli forces in the West Bank. The newspaper said that these statements are the strongest from an American official after the killing of American activist Aisha Noor.

The comments are also among the strongest condemnations of Israeli behavior by the US administration since the start of the war on Gaza, but – according to the newspaper – they were not accompanied by any plan to change the US policy of arms support to Israel.

On another topic, Haaretz published an article stating that the insistence of American Jews to provide support to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is killing prisoners and spreading sadness in Israel, explaining that the support of Israel’s supporters in the United States for Netanyahu empowers him more and gives him the opportunity to survive and stick to his decisions.

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