International newspapers: Gaza conditions resemble hell, and Pelosi raises a storm among Democrats | Programs

International newspapers and websites shed light on various topics, most notably the difficult humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, especially on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, and the division occurring within the American Democratic Party due to Israel’s war on Gaza.

A report in the New York Times likened the harsh conditions in Gaza to hell, and surgeons say that the lack of supplies and the number of wounded forced them to amputate limbs that could have been saved.

Dr. Anna Jilani, an orthopedic surgeon in Liverpool, England, who spent two weeks in Al-Aqsa Hospital, says that patients who could have survived are dying from the infection. She added to the American newspaper, “The bandages and blood bags have run out, and the patients are lying on dirty beds.”

For its part, The Times newspaper addressed the tragic conditions of Gaza residents on Eid al-Adha, saying that the Palestinians had been exchanging gifts and wearing new clothes on previous holidays and now they can only pray to God for a ceasefire.

The newspaper quotes Sahar Saleh, who lost her four children, as saying, “Maybe their lives in heaven with God are better than their lives here in the war.”

On the other hand, an article in Foreign Affairs magazine pointed out that what he called the regime change war that Israel is waging in Gaza repeats the American mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan, explaining that Israel began its war “without a plan to create an alternative regime.”

The article adds, “As difficult as the American operations were, the Israeli operation in Gaza is much more difficult because the Strip is more densely populated, and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) enjoys free range through about 350 miles of underground tunnels.”

As for The Hill website, it wrote about “the fires of a battle within the Democratic Party,” in which it said that former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi sparked it by refusing to give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a speech before Congress.

The website added that Pelosi’s statement deepened the party’s division due to Israel’s war in Gaza.

In its editorial, Haaretz newspaper focused on Netanyahu’s quest to control the media, in light of the appointment of Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich to the position of CEO of Channel 13, even though she does not have any real journalistic experience, and her previous statements show that she supports restricting the freedom of journalists.

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