Interactive map: Learn about the US states that prohibit boycotts of Israel Policy


Amid the ongoing protests at various pro-Palestinian American universities, it is useful to learn about the American states that have passed legislation in the past years and months that makes boycotts of Israel illegal.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, 38 American states have adopted laws, executive orders, or decisions aimed at discouraging boycotts against Israel.

Separately, the US Congress has considered anti-boycott legislation in response to the BDS movement.

The Senate approved an article containing anti-boycott provisions on January 28, 2019, by a vote of 74 to 19.

The House of Representatives also issued a resolution condemning the boycott of Israel on July 24, 2019, by a majority of 398 votes to 17 votes. But no federal law has been adopted yet.

The following is a list of the various states that enacted this type of legislation, when and what distinguishes it:

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