In this relentless war, oh how I miss my students | Gaza News

Gaza strip – Back to school is a particularly special time for me.

Normally, my students and I begin to get to know each other and build this bond of love and trust that will develop throughout the year.

For me, it’s an almost maternal relationship, the one between me and my students, and it extends beyond school work.

It’s now been over two months since school started, but I haven’t had a chance to get to know my new fifth graders. I miss this aspect, the most important part of my job that has always been closest to my heart: finding that space in which my students can trust me without any barriers between us.

On November 6, the Ministry of Education suspended the 2023-2024 school year for the 625,000 schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip, as the Israeli offensive launched on October 7 continues unabated.

Among the more than 11,000 people who were killed by these attacks, more than 4,400 were children, and another 1,400 young people disappeared under the rubble. At least 1.5 million Palestinians have been displaced, with tens of thousands sheltering in schools.

“Was I able to touch their hearts? »

Over time, I usually get to know students and their personalities little by little, so six weeks was not enough time for me to become familiar with the 90 students in our four fifth-grade classes.

I remind myself that the important thing is that I love them all even if I haven’t learned all their names yet.

Sometimes I mixed up their names and they corrected me. Or I would call them by their last name, and they would say, “No, call me by my last name,” which always made me laugh.

Was I able to touch their hearts? Do they love me like I love them?

They have a way of making me laugh even when their nastiness annoys me – I can’t keep a straight face.

They know this, which is why they don’t worry too much about their punishment.

I am a science teacher and the school curriculum in Palestine is demanding. It requires real effort on the part of students to fully grasp the subject and learn what is being taught to them. I try to deliver my lessons with additional activities to keep things simpler, easier and lighter.

I found this class of fifth graders precocious and more intelligent than the previous ones, each with their own style and personality. I already had the strong impression that these are young men and women, not just 10 year olds.


Two years ago, I started asking my students to write notes to express their thoughts and opinions about what they were learning and about their teacher – me.

On October 5, two days before the war began, after writing a lesson summary on the board, I asked the children to write their notes anonymously.

They loved the idea. I have to admit that a small part of me was worried about what the students might write about me. I gathered their papers and told them I would read them later.

Some students wrote their names on their notes and some didn’t, but I felt like I knew who some of them were by their fun handwriting and drawings.

Salma, the sweet girl who hugs me when I enter the class, said, “The program is good… you explain things so clearly and your voice is charming. »

It certainly made me smile.

Rafiq, a super smart student, wrote, “Best teacher and best subject,” which I guess is also high praise since he knows his teachers.

Another student, Hassan, wrote: “The material is very simple and the lessons are fun. »

Qusay and Qais, the twins, said: “The subject is cool and the lessons are good. »

I left their little notes in the science lab where I sit in my free time. I had planned to ask the other fifth grade classes to write some as well, but the war came and threw all our plans out the window.

I miss their morning sleepiness.

I miss their nastiness.

I miss hearing them shout “Miss!” » when I greet them.

I want this war to end so I can start getting to know them again.

I miss my students.

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