In pictures.. Learn about the story of Harun al-Rashid’s house in Jerusalem With pictures

Occupied Jerusalem- About 100 years ago, the Palestinian Hanna Bsharat built a beautiful house in the Talbiyah neighborhood, in the heart of the city of Jerusalem. He called it “Harun al-Rashid’s Villa” in honor of the fifth Abbasid caliph (148 AH – 193 AH), but his joy in it did not last long, and the owner of the house, his children, and his grandchildren ended up in the diaspora. The house was settled by strangers until today.

According to Jerusalemite researcher Tariq al-Bakri, owner of the “Visual Documentation of Palestine” initiative, the children and grandchildren of the house owner tried to visit him on more than one occasion, carrying old pictures of the house.

Tel Aviv Tribune Net presents in pictures the story of the house and the most prominent Israeli figures who settled in it during the era of the displacement of its owners.

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