In painful operations in Tel Aviv.. 15 Israelis killed and more than 10 injured in 11 days | News

The operations that led to the killing and wounding of Israeli soldiers and security personnel have accelerated in the past few days, and the map of those operations has been distributed to include the West Bank and the borders of Jordan and Egypt, in addition to the Gaza Strip, the arena of the most fierce and intense confrontation with the Israeli army.

The following are the most prominent operations that took place in September, which led to the killing or wounding of Israelis:

Hebron operation

On September 1, 3 Israeli police officers were killed in an armed attack on a car at the Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

The Israeli ambulance service reported that day that two police and border guards were killed instantly and a third was seriously injured. Later, the injured man was declared dead from his wounds.

Later, the Israeli army said that the three dead security forces and police officers were on duty, adding that the car used in the attack was found empty after the perpetrators were able to withdraw.

He added that he had sent reinforcements to the area and was besieging the town of Idhna (northwest of Hebron), as part of the search for the perpetrators of the armed attack.

In the details of the operation, the Israeli radio Kan said that the perpetrators fired 11 bullets at the targeted car near the Tarqumiya checkpoint.

For its part, the Israeli Army Radio reported that the attackers opened fire from a distance of one kilometer from the Tarqumiya checkpoint.

It was later revealed that the perpetrator of the operation was the martyr Muhannad Al-Aswad, a resident of the town of Idhna in Hebron, who was a member of the guard of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas before he resigned in 2015.

Al-Aswad was martyred two days after the operation, when the occupation forces surrounded the house he was in in the city of Hebron, showered it with a hail of bullets, and then detained the martyr’s body.

Karameh Crossing Operation

A week after the Hebron operation, Maher Al-Jazi, a retired Jordanian soldier and truck driver, carried out another operation on the King Hussein Bridge separating Jordan from the occupied Palestinian territories.

On September 8, 2024, Maher headed, as usual, to the Palestinian territories via the King Hussein Bridge, which is called the Karameh Crossing on the Palestinian side.

When his truck arrived at the Israeli border security inspection garage, Maher got out of his truck carrying a JTP9C pistol and opened fire at close range at Israeli border security personnel, killing three of them.

The clash continued and other individuals exchanged fire with him, and he fell as a martyr at that moment.

Later, the Jordanian Ministry of Interior announced that a Jordanian driver was the one who opened fire at the Allenby Bridge (King Hussein Bridge as it is called in Jordan and Karameh Crossing as it is called on the Palestinian side), in an incident that resulted in the deaths of 3 Israelis and the perpetrator of the operation, whose body Amman is coordinating to receive.

The ministry said in a statement that “initial investigations into the shooting incident on the other side of King Hussein Bridge confirmed that the shooter was a Jordanian citizen named Maher Diab Hussein Al-Jazi, a resident of the Al-Hussainiya area in Ma’an Governorate” south of Amman.

9 killed and injured in helicopter crash

This morning, Wednesday, the Israeli army admitted that two soldiers were killed and seven others were injured, four of them seriously, as a result of a Black Hawk helicopter crash during a mission to rescue an injured soldier in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, in the first fatal crash of this type of aircraft in 30 years.

The occupation army announced the opening of an investigation to determine the circumstances of the incident, noting that initial information indicates that the helicopter crash was not the result of enemy fire, but rather the result of human or technical error, according to its description.

The army confirmed that the incident did not affect the ongoing military operations in the Gaza Strip.

Walla website said that the crash of the Black Hawk helicopter in Gaza is the first fatal accident after 30 years of service of this type of helicopter in the Israeli army.

The website added that the Black Hawk helicopter forms the backbone of the Israeli army’s transport and rescue helicopters, noting that it is capable of carrying 14 to 22 soldiers.

Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the helicopter crash resulted in a female officer being critically injured, 3 soldiers being seriously injured, and 4 being moderately injured, including the soldier who was supposed to be rescued.

The newspaper said that the helicopter was on its way to rescue a soldier who was shot by a Palestinian sniper.

She explained that the helicopter arrived to evacuate the injured soldier after midnight, explaining that in the final stage of the landing, the helicopter hit the ground near the Philadelphia axis and crashed for an unknown reason.

She pointed out that 4 helicopters evacuated the injured soldiers, in an operation that lasted for hours early this morning.

She confirmed that the Israeli army has currently stopped using Black Hawk helicopters until the cause of the malfunction that led to the accident is known, noting that rescue operations will continue using other types of helicopters.

Killed in a run-over attack

In the latest operation, an Israeli was killed on Wednesday in a run-over attack north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army confirmed that a gas truck driven by a Palestinian had run over a bus stop near the Givat Asaf junction, confirming that the perpetrator had been shot.

Channel 13 quoted an Israeli official confirming that one person was killed in the run-over attack north of Ramallah.

Soldiers injured on Egypt border

On the ninth of this month, Israeli media reported that Israeli soldiers were run over while thwarting what it described as a smuggling operation on the border with Egypt.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said that the army thwarted an attempt to smuggle drugs, and there was shooting and an attempt to run over soldiers on the Egyptian border.

Later, the Israeli army said that it had spotted a vehicle speeding towards its force on the Egyptian border, adding that the suspects were pursued and the area was combed.

6 prisoners killed in Rafah

In addition, it was confirmed that 6 Israeli prisoners were killed in the Gaza Strip, after the Israeli occupation army announced on September 1st that it had recovered the bodies of 6 detainees after finding them inside a tunnel in the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip.

US President Joe Biden announced that among the six bodies found in Gaza was the body of Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg Polin, expressing his sadness and anger over his death.

A state of anger prevailed in Israel against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government after the occupation army announced the recovery of the bodies of the six prisoners, while Hamas held Netanyahu’s government responsible for their deaths.

Israeli total

With the Israeli war on Gaza entering its 12th month a few days ago, data from Israeli media and research centers showed that since the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle on October 7, 2023, about 1,664 Israelis have been killed, including 706 soldiers, and 17,809 people have been injured with varying degrees of severity.

The Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University reviewed statistics related to the fighting fronts, in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the Israeli home front, the northern front with Lebanon, and the escalation with Iran, where more than 19,000 rockets, missiles, and drones were launched from Gaza and Lebanon towards the Israeli side.

While there are still 101 Israelis held captive in the Strip, 143,000 Israelis have been evacuated from their towns and homes since the start of the war, according to the Walla news website.

Since the outbreak of the war, 300,000 Israeli soldiers have been drafted from the reserve forces. 935 Israeli settlements and towns were under bombardment, with sirens sounding and residents forced to hide in shelters and protected areas about 15,000 times.

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