In Marseille, civil servants demonstrate against the government

Despite the fall of the government and the resignation of Michel Barnier, civil servants maintained their strike this Thursday. A mobilization to defend the public service.


At the call of several unions, thousands of civil servants gathered in Marseille this Thursday.

A mobilization to protest against government proposals, such as the freezing of salaries or the increase from one to three days of waiting time in the event of sick leave.

Measures that were contained in the 2025 draft budget.

The call for a strike was maintained, despite the vote on the motion of censure on Wednesday, which led to the fall of the government and the resignation of the Prime Minister.

“It doesn’t change anything, because governments change anyway, but the public service is increasingly worse off. We don’t have high salaries, we have very few benefits. We have security of job, but we wonder if we will still have it tomorrow”explains a demonstrator.

This day of mobilization was particularly well attended in educational establishments: almost one in three teachers was on strike, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

The unions hope to send a signal to the future government and are closely monitoring the next announcements.

The Civil Service has around 5.7 million civil servants and contract workers.

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