In Austria, drilling has started to find gas

Still dependent on Russian gas, Austria is looking for other alternatives. Exploratory drilling has started in Upper Austria and will last six weeks, to the great dismay of environmentalists.


As Europe attempts to decarbonize and turn to renewable energy, Austrian authorities have given the green light for gas exploration.

In Molln, Upper Austria, the first wells drilled by the energy company ADX have started very close to the Kalkalpen National Park. Opponents of the project were able to delay drilling for months but they will now continue for six weeks without interruption.

The objective of the drilling is to reach a depth of 1,900 meters in order to explore geological formations and test gas flow. 1,500 sensors on site monitor what is happening, recording and providing data constantly. However, even if the data analyzes are based on high gas reserves, there remains a residual risk regarding the actual discovery of gas. In fact, the well is an exploration well, also called an exploration well.

The drilling rig in the Jaidhaus valley in Molln has successfully passed all safety and inspection tests and is therefore ready for operation. Drilling and testing work has been authorized until the end of March.

Opponents of gas drilling continue to demonstrate their opposition to the project, to no avail.

Austria needs new sources of gas: over the past two years, the country’s dependence on Russian gas has not decreased, but increased. The government is considering an early termination of the contract with Moscow, but to do this it needs to find reliable alternative sources.

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