The morning of the day of Arafat, the ninth of Dhu al-Hijjah, the greatest day for Muslims, witnessed hundreds of young people joining classes for memorizing the Qur’an in shelter centers in the eastern Gaza Strip, hoping for an imminent victory. A video was circulated on social media platforms showing many young people gathering under tents and reciting the Qur’an.
In one session, several memorizers recite the Holy Qur’an in shelter centers in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood in the eastern Gaza Strip, on the morning of the day of Arafat.
It may look like a regular shelter to you #Gaza Pride..
This is correct; But today is different here, as hundreds of young people are joining the conservation movement.Here are hundreds of recounters of the Book of God and parts of it listening to the Book of God, hoping for victory and immediate relief. This is how the morning began in Gaza in #ARAFFA day ..
– Adham Abu Selmiya
Adham Abu Selmiya (@adham922) June 15, 2024
The pioneers of the communication platforms interacted with the scenes coming from eastern Gaza. Despite the conditions of displacement and the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October, it did not prevent its people from resuming the work of memorizing the Qur’an, but this time from inside the camps and shelter centers, to give the world a lesson in Patience and steadfastness.
I promised to tell you about Gaza every time you ask about the secret of its steadfastness and pride.
This is how the morning on the Day of Arafah began in Gaza: thousands of memorizers in shelter centers recited the Qur’an in one sitting.
May God accept from you and reward you, you who defend on behalf of the nation.– Khaled Safi
Khaled Safi (@KhaledSafi) June 15, 2024
Hundreds of recounters of the Book of God and parts of it listen to the Book of God, hoping for victory and immediate relief. This is how the morning began in Gaza on the day of Arafat.
– Raji Hams – #Palestine (@RajiHams) June 15, 2024
This is Gaza..
Thousands of memorizers from northern Gaza prepare to recite the Qur’an on the Day of Arafat.
How can the people of the Qur’an be defeated!!– Samer (@Sssssssssssamer) June 13, 2024
“On the Day of Arafat… Gaza memorizes the Holy Qur’an in the hearts of its children.” This is how Facebook Blue Space users interacted with the activity of young people in shelter centers in the Gaza Strip on the great Day of Arafat.
While one of them said, “They still continue to memorize the Qur’an, which is sung everywhere,” pointing to the people of Gaza’s adherence to the Book of God despite the war, displacement, and genocide they have been experiencing for months.
And because people #Gaza Alone is the best nation.
This was not accidental…
Here is the greatest guide for people of faith..
Despite the war, displacement and genocide…
They still continue to memorize the Qur’an, which is recited everywhere by those who know it by heart!
I swear to God, I am disappointed and the one who let them down has relapsed..– Nasr Al-Busaidi (@BusaidiNaser) June 15, 2024
Initiatives to teach the Holy Qur’an and honor its memorizers are continuing in the sector, whose residents were not deterred by the scourges of war and displacement from resuming them from within the camps and shelter centers, which have turned into an environment that embraces all positive events and activities for children and youth.