Hundreds of Settlers and Extremists Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque | News


This Wednesday morning, hundreds of Israeli settlers and extremists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

An official in the Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem said that more than 300 settlers and extremists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque today, adding that the Israeli occupation police prevented Al-Aqsa Mosque guards from approaching the path of the settlers’ incursions.

The Waqf official said that the settlers’ incursions and violations of Al-Aqsa Mosque are no longer limited to religious occasions.

In turn, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Akram Sabri, told Tel Aviv Tribune that the incursions are increasing and that this is a blatant assault, challenge and provocation of the feelings of Muslims.

He added that the claim of Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir is false, and the aim of the raids is to impose control over Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Sabry said that the extreme right-wing parties in the Israeli government find the right time to attack Al-Aqsa, and the incursions coincide with Jewish holidays, and the Israelis exploit this to convince the Jews of the world to come to Palestine.

Ben Gvir said that he intends to build a synagogue on what he called the Temple Mount, which is the name given by Jews to Al-Aqsa Mosque, and he justified his intention by claiming that the law equalizes the rights of Muslims and Jews to perform prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli settlers have been escalating their ongoing incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli occupation army since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip on October 7.

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