How AIPAC Shapes U.S. Unconditional Support for Israel | Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

We explore how the leading pro-Israel lobby is working to maintain the United States’ multi-billion dollar unconditional support for Israel.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has invested more than $100 million in American political elections this year, with the goal of silencing pro-Palestinian voices in Congress and preserving the status quo. What does this mean for Americans who question the prioritization of military aid over issues like health care and education? As Israel’s war on Gaza continues unabated, we examine AIPAC’s role in shaping American policy.

Presenter: Anelise Borges

Usamah Andrabi – Communications Director of Justice Democrats
Eva Borgwardt – National Spokesperson of IfNotNow
Akela Lacy – Senior political reporter for The Intercept

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