“Help is on the way” assures Antony Blinken to Ukraine

The surprise visit of the American Secretary of State is intended to reassure the country about military aid from Washington.


American military aid is on the way. This is the message that Antony Blinken came to convey during his surprise visit to Kyiv.

A trip which comes as the Ukrainian army seems overwhelmed by the advance of Russian troops in the Kharkiv region. For Volodymyr Zelensky, this help is urgent.

I would like to discuss with you today a few points which, in my opinion, are very important. First of all, the decision on the aid package was crucial. For us it is very important to get it as quickly as possible. The second point concerns air defense. We need two Patriot defense systems for Kharkiv today“, said the Ukrainian president.

Washington is trying to make up for the aid delay caused by disagreements in the American Congress and wants to reassure Kiyv of its support.

It’s a difficult time. But we also know that in the short term, assistance is on the way. Some of the help has already arrived. The other party won’t be long. And it will make a real difference to ongoing Russian aggression on the battlefield“, declared the American Secretary of State.

During a visit in September, Antony Blinken had lunch at a McDonald’s to welcome the return of the American brand to Ukraine.

This time, in the company of his Ukrainian counterpart, he had lunch, in a pizzeria and not just any pizzeria. The establishment was founded in 2015 by a Ukrainian who fought pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country.

After their meal, Antony Blinken met with members of Ukrainian civil society.

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