Haaretz: Violent Israeli land thieves target the entire West Bank | policy

Haaretz newspaper said that supporters of the annexation of Palestinian territories are no longer satisfied with Area C of the West Bank allocated for full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords, but rather the theft project in that region has increased their hunger to expand to other areas.

The newspaper explained – in its editorial – that the movement to steal Palestinian lands has long been setting its sights on Area B, which is under Palestinian civil control and Israeli security control, and in their effort to steal it, as before, the settlers see that the diplomatic agreements signed by Israel are binding on the Palestinians alone.

Thus, the settlers steal the land in Area C and build on it – as the newspaper says – and then the government legitimizes those settlement outposts, completely ignoring the Oslo Accords and their annexes. However, when the Palestinians try to build and live even outside Area C, the settlers scream that the agreements are being violated and demand Israel stops construction.

To clarify what it referred to, Haaretz reviewed the issue of the town of Malha, which was built by the Palestinians in a section of Area B. It was transferred to the Palestinian Authority under the Wye Agreement in 1998 on the condition that it be used as a nature reserve, but in practice a new town was established there, so the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided The settlers confiscated the authority to impose building regulations in that area from the Palestinian Authority, on the grounds that the construction violated the Wye Agreement, and about two weeks ago, Israel demolished Palestinian buildings in violation of the Wye Agreement. Wow.

Meanwhile, settlers built 5 settlement outposts, all in Area B, where many young men live who are terrorizing Palestinian families.

The father of one of the last remaining Palestinian families in the area says, “The settlers beat my son twice. After that, they started coming to our house, and once two of them pretended to be from the army and searched the house.”

The newspaper concluded that the demolition of Palestinian buildings in an area in which Israel has so far refrained from interfering, along with the establishment of new settlement outposts, shows that annexation has begun to creep into Area B, and this is a dangerous development, because this decision threatens the Palestinians who live there and accelerates the Israel’s decline into a thuggish apartheid state that alienated itself from the international community.

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