Haaretz reveals the death of Palestinian prisoners in an occupation detention camp in the Negev News


The Israeli newspaper Haaretz said on Monday that a number of Palestinian prisoners died in an occupation army detention camp in the Negev as a result of the harsh conditions of their detention.

The newspaper explained that the army keeps the prisoners it detains in the “Sde Teman” camp, located near Beersheba, most of the time blindfolded and handcuffed.

Meanwhile, Haaretz quoted the Israeli army as saying that it would investigate the matter.

On the other hand, Omar Shaker, director of Human Rights Watch in Israel and Palestine, called for international action to investigate war crimes committed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

Shaker explained in a statement to Tel Aviv Tribune that “starvation is one of the tools used by Israel in Gaza,” calling for “an end to collective punishment against the Palestinians.”

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