Haaretz: Likud leads efforts to encourage settlement in northern Gaza news


The Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that the Likud Party – led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – distributed invitations to attend a conference near the Gaza Strip border to encourage settlement in the north of the Strip.

The newspaper confirmed that the conference scheduled to be held next week will be attended by ministers, members of the Knesset, and senior activists in the ruling coalition, and will include the construction of a settlement outpost as part of the first settlement in northern Gaza, as part of the initiative launched by the Nahala movement, which is known for establishing illegal settlements in the West Bank.

A number of extremist ministers are expected to attend, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, and Yitzhak Wasserloff.

The Nahala settlement movement said, “The event is not just a theoretical conference, but rather a practical exercise and preparation for renewing settlement in Gaza,” stressing that the return of settlers to Gaza is no longer just an idea, as it has reached advanced stages with the support of the government and the people, as it claims.

The event is scheduled to include a tour of the Nirim settlement on the Gaza Strip, but the settlement administration issued a statement saying that it does not agree to this visit.

The administration added in a statement, “We are still waiting for the government and members of the coalition to bear responsibility for the catastrophic failures on October 7 and for the deep wound that remains in our hearts. Instead of organizing political events aimed at establishing settlements, the government should focus on returning the 101 hostages to their homes.” their homes and support the reconstruction of border communities in Gaza.”

Throughout the war on Gaza, Netanyahu repeatedly stated that Israel has no intention of establishing settlements in Gaza, and he repeated this in his speech before the US Congress in late July.

The Israeli occupation army continues its starvation policy against the Palestinians in northern Gaza, preventing the entry of water, food, fuel, and treatment, and refusing the entry of relief and humanitarian aid.

With American support, the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza left more than 141,000 Palestinian martyrs and wounded and thousands missing, amid massive destruction and famine that killed dozens of children and the elderly.

Tel Aviv continues its massacres, ignoring the UN Security Council resolution to end them immediately and the orders of the International Court of Justice to take measures to prevent genocide and improve the miserable humanitarian situation in Gaza.

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