Greeks in search of the cheapest electricity

A new electricity pricing system will be introduced in Greece on January 1, 2024.


Among the New Year’s resolutions to make for 2024, Greeks must choose between different electricity contracts.

A new pricing system will in fact be introduced on January 1, 2024.

For the first time, consumers can choose between a fixed rate contract and one variable rate contract.

“I haven’t made my choice yet. The truth is that electricity suppliers don’t help us decide because the information they provide is limited. Whatever your choice, it is therefore risky,” explains one passing.

In 2024, emergency measures introduced during the energy crisis will cease.

After reaching record levels in 2022 and 2023, electricity price are expected to decline, according to most analysts.

For their part, Greek consumers are rather pessimistic.

“I don’t think prices will fall anytime soon. At least that’s what history has taught us. And even if they drop, it will be very little,” said another passerby.

On the contrary, many fear that energetic transition does not make electricity more expensive.

“There is no chance that electricity prices will fall. We have to pay the cost of renewable energy sources and this cost is always passed on to the consumer,” considers a passerby.

In Greece, the production cost electricity is the highest in the European Union.

This weighs heavily on Greek households, already faced with a high inflation.

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