Greece: residents of Mati want justice, six years after the deadly fire

In the seaside town of Mati, residents have not forgotten the tragedy they experienced six years ago. On July 23, 2018, a deadly fire killed more than 100 people.


Of the 21 people prosecuted, only six were sentenced on April 29 to suspended prison sentences and fines. Residents, disappointed by the verdict, are awaiting the opening of the appeal trial.

We knew from the beginning that the outcome of the trial would be disappointing, however, we were very disappointed during the trial because we felt there was no justice“, explains Chrysa Gerakaki, resident of Mati.

Athina and Aris were present that day. The majority of victims, stuck in traffic jams while trying to flee the area, died in the flames. Others drowned while trying to escape by sea. Athina survived, but lost her son. She fears reliving this drama during the new trial.

It was very difficult for me to testify. You have to tell everything in detail and relive the events. I saw myself struggling in the sea again. The same thing happened to my daughter. Indeed, in addition to my son, I also had my daughter who, fortunately, is alive. So I carried my daughter’s emotional burden at that time because I knew how difficult it was“, she explains.

For others like Aris Herouveim who lost several members of his family, the appeal trial will be an opportunity to obtain justice.

“_We think that justice cancels itself out. The first court did not do something right and now they are telling us that things did not go well and that we have to start again from the beginning. But yes, I am satisfied because it was confirmed that something was wrong in the first trial,” he explains.

This fire is the deadliest that Greece has ever known.

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