Germany suspends arms exports to Israel, sources say

This article was originally published in English

German arms exports to Israel have fallen dramatically compared to the previous year and no arms sales permits have been issued since March.


According to a source close to the Ministry of Economy, Germany has blocked any further arms exports to Israel due to legal challenges.

Arms export volumes from Germany have fallen sharply since last year, from 326 million euros to 14.5 million euros in August this year.

The German Federal Security Council, which meets in secret under the chairmanship of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, had approved arms exports to Israel worth a total of 326 million euros following the attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

However, as reported by the Israeli investigative body Shomrim, This support was not renewed at the beginning of 2024.

At the end of July, Olaz Scholz said that Germany had not yet made a decision on arms supplies to Israel in light of a ruling by the International Court of Justice which concluded that the Israeli authorities had violated international law by carrying out operations in the Palestinian territories.

Each arms export request will be assessed individually, the German Chancellor said at his summer press conference in Berlin.

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