Home FrontPage Germany: Muslims are under scrutiny and mixing of the sexes is a condition for their demonstrations News

Germany: Muslims are under scrutiny and mixing of the sexes is a condition for their demonstrations News

by telavivtribune.com
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German Interior Minister Nancy Weiser confirmed that the German security authorities are keeping the Islamic circles in her country “strongly in mind,” in conjunction with the German authorities imposing 9 strict conditions to allow a demonstration “against censorship and opinion dictation,” which the “Muslim Interactive” group intends to organize today, Saturday, in the city of Hamburg, north of Germany, includes non-segregation of the sexes.

In statements to the newspapers of the German “Funke” media group published today, Interior Minister Nancy Weiser said, “We are using all the tools at our disposal, from intelligence surveillance to intensive investigations,” adding that the authorities in her country “have launched repeated preemptive campaigns to thwart attack plans during the past months.”

The German minister stressed that “those who had fantasies about the caliphate during an Islamic demonstration in Hamburg at the end of last April were also in the eyes of the security authorities, but in our constitutional state we cannot ban such groups unless the high legal requirements are met.”

German Interior Minister Nancy Wieser raises her hands before a weekly meeting of the federal government in Berlin (Reuters)

Strict conditions

The German authorities imposed 9 strict conditions to allow a demonstration “against censorship and the dictation of opinion” that the “Muslim Interactive” group intends to organize today, Saturday, in the city of Hamburg in the north of the country, which includes not separating the sexes.

The police announced yesterday, Friday, that organizing the demonstration had been linked to nine conditions, including the inadmissibility of issuing calls for hatred or violence, denying Israel’s right to exist, or destroying or burning Israeli flags, as happened in the previous demonstration that took place at the end of last April.

The police reported that gender segregation would not be permitted during the demonstration, and in particular, women would not be allowed to be sent to the back of the demonstration square, or denied access to the front area of ​​the event. The remaining conditions relate to those responsible for organizing and chanting slogans.

The authorities concerned with organizing the gathering also explained to the person who notified the Islamic demonstration that there are some slogans and symbols that are punishable by law, in addition to the prohibition of appearing in uniform at gatherings.

Establishing the Caliphate

The German Interior Minister described the strict conditions imposed by the Hamburg authorities on the demonstration as “correct” and said, “This makes it possible to intervene immediately and decisively if crude calls for the establishment of a caliphate in Germany emerge from the demonstration, if Israel’s right to exist is denied, or incitement against the Jews is carried out.” “.

She added in press statements that the security authorities are closely monitoring whether the ban imposed on the Hamas organization and the Samidoun group will be violated. This is also a crime that enables immediate intervention in the demonstrations, she said.

The group organizing the demonstration originally announced a march, and a thousand participants were registered. The demonstration raises the slogan “Against censorship and dictation of opinion.” According to the police, a counter-demonstration was also announced with the participation of 100 people.

In reaction to the last demonstration, the conditions also included a ban on calling for the Caliphate in Germany verbally, in pictures, or in writing. According to the police, the demonstration will be held as a specific event in the Kreuzwig area in the St. George neighborhood.

In the demonstration of last April 27, banners were raised reading, “The Caliphate is the solution.” The speeches delivered during the demonstration called for the establishment of the Caliphate as a solution to social problems in Islamic countries.

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