Gaza: UN Security Council adopts resolution in favor of ceasefire plan

The UN Security Council on Monday adopted for the first time a resolution on a ceasefire aimed at ending the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.


The UN Security Council on Monday approved its first resolution supporting a ceasefire plan aimed at ending the eight-month war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The vote on the U.S.-sponsored resolution was 14 in favor to none against, with Russia abstaining.

The resolution welcomes the ceasefire proposal announced by President Joe Biden and accepted, according to the United States, by Israel. She calls out Hamas, which initially said it was considering the proposal “positively”to accept the three-phase plan.

She urges Israel and Hamas “to fully apply its terms, without delay and without conditions”.

What are the positions of Israel and Hamas?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Mr Biden had presented only part of the proposal and insisted that any talk of a permanent ceasefire before dismantling Hamas’ military and administrative capabilities was doomed to failure.

The leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad met in Qatar on Monday to discuss the proposed ceasefire agreement and said in a statement that any agreement must result in a permanent ceasefire, for a total withdrawal of Israel from the Gaza Strip, an end to the Israeli siege of Gaza, the reconstruction and “a serious exchange” between Gaza hostages and Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

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