Gantz’s resignation.. Pressures increase on Netanyahu | News

The new episode of Tel Aviv Tribune Net Panorama sheds light on Benny Gantz’s resignation from the Israeli War Council, and reviews its expected effects on Israeli policy and developments in the war in Gaza.

Gantz announced on May 19 that he would resign unless Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took concrete steps toward managing the war in Gaza.

On June 8, Gantz resigned, along with his partner in the Blue and White party, Gadi Eisenkot.

The move sparked reactions, the most prominent of which was criticism from Netanyahu, who considered it an untimely withdrawal, and from extremist National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who described Gantz as a deceiver and offered to join the war council instead.

As for the analysis aspect, Tel Aviv Tribune Net Panorama presents many aspects that analysts have touched on, some of which are of the opinion that they put a lot of pressure on Netanyahu and others that they give the opportunity for greater influence to the extreme right, while a third group believes that they increase the ambiguity and complexity of the political scene in Israel. .

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