Fayez Al-Mobaid.. An example of the suffering of children in Gaza | News


Pictures of the suffering that has not stopped since the beginning of the October 7th war in the Gaza Strip, where the child Fayez Al-Mobaid (4 years old) lives, is one of them.

Fayez and his family were displaced from Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip to Deir al-Balah city, under difficult conditions the family is living in inside a tent that lacks the most basic necessities of life.

Child Fayez (4 years old) suffers from the spread of pimples on his body without treatment to relieve his pain (Anadolu Agency)

The family is forced to rely on polluted and salty water to wash their bodies, in light of the scarcity of clean water and the unavailability of cleaning and sterilization materials.

With the spread of epidemics and pollutants around them, Fayez contracted a bacterial infection and his complaints began when blisters spread on his body without treatment to relieve his pain.

The child is living in difficult living conditions inside the tent (Anatolia)

The child’s suffering worsens with the rising temperatures inside the tent made of cloth and nylon, and he does not stop scratching his body, which is full of blisters and ulcers that spread more and more with each passing day without appropriate treatment for his illness.

A child suffers from an infectious skin disease due to environmental pollution in Gaza (Anatolia)

Umm Fayez says that the flies are eating away at the child’s body because of the foul smell emanating from the grains spread all over it.

The mother indicated that he caught the infection while playing with children suffering from skin diseases in the displacement camp, and that Fayez suffers from health complications, malnutrition, and anemia, and needs healthy food that is not available, and they cannot afford it in light of its high prices, and the lack of a source of income for them in light of the war.

Umm Fayez, a displaced Palestinian woman, suffers with her injured child (Anadolu Agency)

She explained that the treatments were not working for her child, and that the ulcers and pimples It increases over time, This is because they live in an environment full of germs, pollutants and garbage. Umm Fayez hopes that the Israeli war on the Strip will end and she can return home with her family.

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