Farmers demonstrate in Brussels

A delegation of young farmers will be received on Monday afternoon by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and by the European Commission, according to the Belgian Presidency.


They came from the four corners of Europe, with one idea in mind: to maintain pressure on the EU. Monday morning, hundreds of farmers paralyzed the European district of Brussels.

At the same time, a summit is being held in the Belgian capital with the Ministers of Agriculture of the EU countries. With on the agenda, discussions with a view to relaxing the new Common Agricultural Policy, considered too restrictive by farmers.

We would like them to show common sense towards us, to come and work with us, in the field, for a day, to take care of the horses and other animals, to see that it is not not easy for us, because of the rules they impose on us. That’s why we want to talk to them“, explains Marieke Van De Vivere, a Belgian farmer.

The Ukraine issue is also on the agenda. For certain European farmers, Polish in particular, imports of Ukrainian agricultural products are considered “unfair competition”.

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