European Islamic Ministerial Meeting Tomorrow in Spain to Discuss Establishing a Palestinian State | News

The Spanish and Norwegian governments said that foreign ministers from several Islamic and European countries will meet in Madrid on Friday to discuss how to implement a solution. Two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares will host The meeting will be attended by his European counterparts and the foreign policy chief. EU Josep Borrell and members of the Arab Contact Group Islamic on the Gaza Strip.

The international community has long viewed the two-state solution as the best way to resolve the decades-long conflict, but the peace process It has been stopped for years.

The two-state solution proposal dates back to the 1991 Madrid Conference and the Oslo Accords between 1993 and 1995.

But the need to find a peaceful solution has taken on new importance because of the 11-month Israeli war on Gaza, which has so far killed more than 41,000 people, most of them women and children.

On May 28, Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognized a Palestinian state comprising the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, governed by the Palestinian Authority and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In addition to the three countries, 146 countries out of 193 members of the United Nations now recognize the Palestinian state.

Albares hosted a diplomatic meeting with the Gaza Contact Group on May 29, in which participants discussed next steps toward effective implementation of the two-state solution.

In an interview with Reuters, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen said: Barth Eide said that Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa will participate in Meeting in Madrid.

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