European elections: what voters want and what candidates promise

As the June vote approaches, Euronews asks voters to name one proposal they would make if they were members of the European Parliament, and questions candidates on what they pledge to do if elected or re-elected.


In this episode, Euronews interviews a citizen and a candidate on the social aspect. If he were an MEP, the Austrian Peter Bernscherer would want to ensure that “Everyone has the same opportunities to access information technologies.”

He is the founder of the NGO “PCs fûr Alle” (PCs for all). His organization collects computers as donations to process them and distribute them to schools and families. He estimates that “everyone should have equal opportunities, including in education, and that the incredible waste of potential and resources should be avoided.”

For his part, Marc Angel, Luxembourg social-democrat candidate would like “deepen the social dimension of the Union and fight for an egalitarian Union.” He believes that the digital and climate transitions must “be socially just” And “fair”. This means for him that “human capital must remain at the heart of the European project.”

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