Emmanuel Macron was attacked during his first day in Mayotte. Six days after the passage of Cyclone Chido, the population is criticizing the State’s management of this crisis.
Arriving in Mayotte on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron came to see the damage, almost a week after the passage of Cyclone Chido.
The President of the Republic went to meet the inhabitants of the archipelago, in particular the healthcare teams, at the Mamoudzou hospital, where part of the services were destroyed.
This presidential visit gave rise to tense exchanges with distraught Mahorais.
“I listened to what you said here, and what you say is completely wrong. I come from Ouangani, there is no water, no emergency services. You think it’s normal after six days?” asks a resident to Emmanuel Macron.
The authorities, who were unable to access all the affected areas, announced a provisional death toll of 31.
But some speak of a much heavier toll, which Emmanuel Macron recognized.
The State’s management of the crisis has been strongly criticized, even though the damage is considerable and the needs of the population are immense.
The government has announced a price freeze on consumer products, such as mineral water and food products.
“I want to ask the government, is it like this in all French territories or is it only in Mayotte that they are abandoning the island?”asks Abdou Houmadou, who was displaced following the disaster.
The government has declared a state of exceptional natural disaster in the archipelago, a first. France has also activated the European Union’s civil protection mechanism. Emmanuel Macron also declared a day of national mourning on Monday December 23.