Early elections: the Serbian regime in a position of strength

Sunday’s early legislative elections in Serbia should allow the ruling SNS party to regain control after having been shaken by demonstrations against violence.


Serbian voters are expected to go to the polls this Sunday to elect their representatives to Parliament. These are the fifth legislative elections in ten years. But this election is marked by renewed tensions. Firstly, within Serbian society itself: last spring, two shootings leaving eighteen people dead in two days reignited debates around the increase in violence…

But also a resurgence of tensions in North Kosovo, which placed the Serbian president in the spotlight of the international community.

The opposition, around eight left-wing, environmentalist and center-right parties, united within the coalition “Serbia without Violence” accuses the ruling party, the Serbian Progressives, of being responsible for the situation, and fears that these early elections will further strengthen the power of President Aleksandar Vučić.

According to the latest polls, the Serbian Progressives would remain in the lead with 40%… The opposition parties SPN and SPS would share 26 and 9% of the votes.

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