Home FrontPage Double messages in Hezbollah’s escalation against Israel Policy

Double messages in Hezbollah’s escalation against Israel Policy

by telavivtribune.com
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South Lebanon- The southern Lebanese front has once again regained political and security attention, as the pace of mutual military operations between Hezbollah and Israel has escalated along the border, which indicates many implications, especially with the increase in Hezbollah’s influence and the development of its military operations inside Israel, while Israeli strikes in Lebanon have expanded.

The former Lebanese government coordinator for the International Emergency Forces, Brigadier General Mounir Shehadeh, points out to Tel Aviv Tribune Net that the military escalation aims to deter and support Gaza and put pressure on Israel with the start of the Rafah operation, but the worrying message today to Israel, with the increase in the pace of escalation, is that the resistance is ready to return to the period a year ago. 2000, i.e. the start of incursions into Israeli military centers.

He supports his talk with the operations carried out on the border in the centers of Ramia, Al-Malikiyah, and others, according to the video clips that were published, in which the resistance fighters appear to be using conventional weapons, such as anti-tank missiles, B7, 81 mm mortar shells, and a PKC machine gun. “Kalashnikov”, while no precise weapons such as “diamond missiles” appear, which indicates that these operations were offensive and not to strike centers, according to Brigadier General.

Quality messages

Brigadier General Shehadeh says that with the presence of many Israeli centers spread across the border areas from Naqoura to the Shebaa Farms, the resistance can easily carry out operations, as security information indicates that there are no more than a thousand soldiers on the front edge of the border, due to their fear of a military attack by Resistance.

With the Lebanese resistance being able to shoot down an Israeli Hormuz 900 drone, this confirms – according to Shehadeh – its ability to possess anti-aircraft missiles capable of targeting Israeli F-35, F-15 and F-15 warplanes. “F-16”.

Brigadier General Shehadeh considers that shooting down the plane is a military action with strategic objectives, as it includes firstly shooting down a spy plane, and secondly sending a clear message to Israel that the resistance has the ability to target warplanes, which puts every Israeli air force in a dangerous situation.

The former Lebanese government coordinator for the International Emergency Forces believes that these operations carry double-edged messages to Israel:

  • The first The resistance appeared meters away from the Israeli soldiers, despite Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant’s repeated talk about keeping it away from the border.
  • And the second The resistance next time is capable of repeating the period before 2000 by carrying out raids on Israeli centers, and that it is ready to return to that period.

Shehadeh points out that the resistance bombed the Burnet base with destructive Burkan missiles, and showed scenes showing the extent of the massive destruction it caused. He added that the most important thing about the matter was the bombing of the 769th Brigade command base, where Israel showed a video clip showing the extent of the damage it sustained, as well as The resistance’s success in bombing a military factory in Akka on Mount Meron using Katyusha rockets in large numbers shows its willingness and ability to respond forcefully.

Support front

For his part, Israeli affairs expert Ali Haider told Tel Aviv Tribune Net that Hezbollah’s operational performance, including the escalation on the Lebanon front, is governed in the general framework by two main headings: developments on the Gaza front, and Israeli attacks on the Lebanese arena.

He points out that Hezbollah’s escalation came to serve both of these trends, as the level of field pressures was raised to form a support for the main front in the Gaza Strip, and it also came in response to the attacks carried out by the Israeli side in several Lebanese towns, “and although they are still in line with the rules of engagement, However, it is clear that it is moving at a certain rate.”

The Israeli affairs expert believed that one of the most prominent messages contained in Hezbollah’s specific and intense strikes is its presence as an influential factor in the calculations of the Israeli political and security decision regarding its assessment of the cost of continuing the option of war on Gaza, and making clear to the Israeli leaders that the escalation on the Lebanon front will increase in pace as it is a support front. .

According to Haider, the escalation of operations carried out by Hezbollah in response to the escalating Israeli threats also constitutes a strengthening of the party’s position in the rules of engagement that govern the movement of the field, as well as with the aim of making the Israeli side understand that its escalation of attacks on Lebanon will be met by the Lebanese resistance with an escalating course of operations.

Accordingly, the expert says that the Israeli side will have to put itself in front of two options: either adapt to the pace and ceiling of action imposed by the resistance on the Lebanon front with the support of Gaza, which has risen to new levels, or move towards a broader confrontation that may be characterized by more dangerous dimensions to the Israeli depth. .

The depth of the North’s crisis

Brigadier General Shehadeh believes that the visit made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the northern front came to reassure the settlers that the situation was safe and stable, but accurate information shows that when he arrived at the northern front, he was escorted by 16 F-15 and F-15 aircraft. -16, in addition to Hormuz 900 reconnaissance aircraft, and battleships were stationed at sea to monitor the situation, for fear of a reaction from the resistance.

It was very striking – according to Shehadeh – that the mayor of the Margaliot settlement publicly asked the Israeli army to withdraw, after they had been targeted by the Lebanese resistance. He also called on a group of mayors of settlements in the north to separate from Israel and establish the state of Upper Galilee.

He considered that this step, although theoretical and media, shows the extent of the major crisis that the settlers in the north are suffering from, and they warn Netanyahu of his lack of interest in their affairs, and this is the reason that prompted Netanyahu to visit this front.

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