Despite the pain and destruction, the manifestations of steadfastness and challenge in Gaza do not stop Mix

Despite the scenes of pain and destruction coming from the Gaza Strip morning and evening due to the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army for about 69 days, the manifestations of steadfastness and defiance experienced by the people of the Gaza Strip do not stop.

In a video clip posted by activists on social media on Wednesday, a number of young men and children in the Gaza Strip appear as they line up as a band on the rubble of one of the demolished houses, and the band leader asks them, “Are you ready?” They reply, “Yes, we are ready.”

Then the vocalist, the band leader, begins to repeat the song, “My country, my country,” and they repeat behind him in a loud voice, “Gaza, oh Gaza.” Then he says, “Land of glory and land of pride,” so they all repeat in one voice, “Gaza, oh Gaza.”

A video clip documented by Palestinian journalist Muhammad Salama, and posted on his Instagram account, showed a barber singing for the resistance in Gaza while shaving his customers’ hair.

Al-Hallaq began repeating some of the song “Resistance” by Julia Boutros, “Play Your Glory,” in which he says:

Your glory was tainted by humiliation and defeats

When the South rose to resist

The history of fatherhood is not asleep

He writes about our land, the land of epics

Photographer Mustafa Sarsour also documented a friendly session that brought together several Palestinians in Gaza over coffee made over wood fires as a result of the lack of gas supplies due to the siege imposed on the Strip.

The scene shows a group of young people sitting amicably and exchanging funny conversations, including a doctor, a lawyer, a photographer, and an activist, who gathered around a fire making coffee.

The photographer wrote in the text attached to the video, “We gather, even if for five minutes, so that we can remain steadfast. There will come days when we do not sleep, and we do not eat for days, but we must remain at the top of our work, and we will always, God willing, keep our heads held high no matter what happens, and at the top of our work as we go.”

In a moment of steadfastness, defiance, and determination to complete her journey in education and study, a Palestinian journalist published on Tuesday a video clip of a girl searching for her books among the rubble of her destroyed home in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, after it was bombed by the Israeli occupation.

The Palestinian girl Lama Jamous, who describes herself as the youngest “journalist,” published a video showing her wearing a helmet and protective jackets for journalists, confirming her willingness to carry out press coverage of the war situation in Gaza.

The child, Lama, shares many scenes on her Instagram account, which has exceeded more than 120,000 followers, amid widespread interaction and encouragement from her followers.

A Palestinian citizen named “Heba Al-Jazzar” published a video on Tuesday, via the Instagram platform, in which she explains preparing coffee in Gaza during the war and without using cooking gas.

Heba Al-Jazzar commented on the video, saying, “Morning coffee is the basic and morning routine for the people of Gaza. We are moody people and we cannot get through the day without coffee.. The last gas we had for coffee ran out today! And the coal is of course busy for baking and heating water. We don’t drink coffee, I mean?! Never.” “We have found the solution.”

Al-Jazzar explained the steps for preparing coffee. She began by putting alcohol on a piece of medical cotton, lit a fire using a lighter, and placed a metal stove rack on top of it, then the coffee kettle.

When she prepared the coffee, she poured it into the cup and said, “There is no confusion with despair and no despair with confusion… Praise be to God… Good morning, Gaza.”

In light of the scarcity of water and basic materials, a Palestinian photographer on Wednesday documented scenes of a Palestinian performing ablution with rainwater in one of the shelters for displaced persons in the southern Gaza Strip, saying, “I perform ablution with rainwater and drink from it as well. Thank God for everything. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.”

A local photographer also published scenes of Palestinian women using seawater to wash clothes due to the lack of water in the Gaza Strip.

Despite the campaign of genocide that the Israeli occupation continues with its continuous aggression against the Gaza Strip for 69 days, writer Ishaan Tharoor said in his report in the Washington Post that “many Gazans prefer to die in their land rather than live in exile indefinitely, which is the fate.” Which has befallen generations of Palestinians in other places.”

The Israeli occupation army radio said last Sunday that 75% of the residents of Jabalia camp have not been displaced to the south, which complicates the attack launched by the occupation army by land and air, as the area north of the Gaza Strip is considered one of the most densely populated lands compared to its narrow area.

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