Demonstrations in Tel Aviv calling for an end to the war in Gaza and the release of detainees News

Thousands of Israelis demonstrated late yesterday, Saturday, in Tel Aviv, demanding the release of detainees held by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, on the eve of the 100th day of their detention, while others demanded an end to the occupation and an end to the war.

The crowds carried a huge banner with the phrase “And the world remains silent” written on it, and chanted the necessity of releasing the hostages, “Now, now, now.”

About 100 people also gathered separately to demand an end to the war, waving signs reading “Revenge is not victory” and “No to occupation.”

At the gathering site, which was symbolically renamed “Hostage Square,” Aidan Begerano (47 years old) said, “We will continue to come here every week until everyone is released.”

French President Emmanuel Macron sent a video message to the demonstrators calling for the resumption of negotiations to release the hostages. “France does not abandon its children,” he said, referring to the names of some detained French dual nationals.

Macron called for “the resumption of negotiations again and again” for their release.

Israeli officials say that about 250 people were detained in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack on October 7, 132 of whom are still in Gaza, and 25 of whom are believed to have died.

About 100 detainees were released during a truce at the end of November, in exchange for Israel releasing Palestinian prisoners under an agreement brokered by Qatar and Egypt.

Protests on Saturday evenings have become a weekly event in Tel Aviv since the war began, but groups that support the families of detainees came out in larger numbers to mark the 100th anniversary of the war.

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